
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Stories from the Open Windows

Yes, I had all of my windows open today!  All 7!  I wish I had taken a picture, but I didn't.  It has been stinkin' hot and I honestly can't take another day with my room at 85 degrees!  SHEESH!  I prayed Sneezy would hold their sneezes and would be okay.  Thankfully, Sneezy wasn't in our room today!  I had 20 cool students, we a room at 75 degrees.  Our heat was turned off Monday and we are currently in a cool down stage.  The system isn't 4 yet and that out of date!  Our sister school is a year old and they get Cold Air with a flip of a switch.  ReAlLy!?!?!?!?!

With that I was sitting at my Kidney table checking answer.  I gave all 21 reading students the same 3 questions and differenciated what I expected from their answer.  I just wanted it in a complete sentence, others I wanted to know why.  And then some I wanted the proof!  It worked and they rocked it!

I have a very diverse population in reading.  (We switch for RtI for 90 minutes of instruction, so students learn at their level daily.)  You name it, they are in my class.  We were answering questions about Whistle for Willie.  The question was, "Would you be friends with Peter?"  Seriously, one kiddo wrote, "No because he is brown and I am white."  I was speechless.  I asked kiddo if he was friends with kiddo x, who was African American.  He's like Yeah, so I said go change your answer!  I am still floored at this, but it shows that I need to teach more about diversity and that everyone comes from a different background.  I know he meant no harm by his answer, but overall, this hit a button and made me realize that sometimes students don't always connect stories to real life and see beyond the color.  It also make me question if some parents still encourage their children to pick friends based on their skin color.

So my questions to you awesome educators out there, have you had this issue?  If so, how did you handle it?

Onto Friday!  Where it is cold again.  So long 90 degree weather.  I'll see you again in a few weeks!

~Miss Red Head

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