
Monday, July 30, 2012

First Year Advice

O what I wouldn't do to go back and teach my first year all over with my amazing students, but then again, I don't because what I know now is much more valuable and worth the 6 years it took me to make it to my 7th year of teaching!

 My first year is kind of two years. My first 94 days were spent in a family leave. I was there from January to June and oh my were they crazy! I was married to my job and an emotion mess from just being so overwhelmed! It was also a TAM classroom, so I had to follow everything that was in place. NO changing! It was tough!

 The next year I was on my own. It was glorious. I had some management, but not like I have learned! Here are some tips for first year teachers:

 1. Write down every procedure you plan on having in your class. Even bathroom and drink. Be flexible if your plan doesn't work, but stick with it, otherwise they won't be procedures.

 2. Have a go to person. The person you can cry to, but also share a laugh. I learned that having 5 amazing ladies to start my day with make it all better! I can even pop my head in their door during planning just to be like, "OH my goodness, I left a kid in the room for 45 minutes sleeping! We went to the assembly and I forgot him! What do I do??" (True story!!) This person(s) will give you the best advice and root for your success, just make sure they are positive!

 3. Sleep! Go to bed early at least 3 nights a week. Reserve one night a late night. For me it has always been Thursday for Grey's Anatomy. It has been my stress relief since the get go. Very rarely do I do work on this night. Even though I go to bed late, I still feel rested in the morning because I wasn't working.

 4. Laugh when you make a mistake. I cannot tell you how often I felt I couldn't laugh because it would look like I didn't know what I was doing. Yup, technology fails. Yup, your hand moves to quickly and you hit a kid on the arm accidently. Yes, you are so tired you walk into a desk. So what! Laugh, you are enjoying what you do, so will your students.

 5. This one is going to kill some people but....You don't ALWAYS have to laminate everything! I know. It sometimes is an addiction, but I have found to laminate posters, homework folders, centers, and some things for the hallway. After that, I've had enough cutting and I'd rather spend that time with my daughter. She's more important. Just one thing I gave up and it feels REALLY GOOD!

 Well now it is your turn. What advice would you give to a new teacher???  Don't forget to link up with Stephanie in room 6 with your awesome advice!

Stephanie in Room 6

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! I love the one about laminating....I am definitely a laminator, but trying to break the habit ;) Thank you for linking up!

    Teaching in Room 6
